Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1 Million other things

When I thought I won the war!

This is a post that I never got around to proofing until now. Enjoy!

Why is it that my child stages what seems to be the world's largest Anti-sleep protest on the days that I have a million other things to do? The dishes will go undone. Dinner will not be prepped or prepared before we go to school today. Lesson plans will not be written for today, let alone the week, month, or next two months like I had dreamed of accomplishing. I will not have clean and dry jeans to wear to work today because they are sitting in the washing machine waiting to be moved to the drier while I lay on the floor in PeeWee's bedroom in a contorted mess. I lie here only after I thought I won the war on this Anti-sleep protest by strapping her wiggly little tushie into her car seat and driving around until she fell asleep (5 minutes into the car ride). I was doing the internal equivalent to an Irish Jig for my victory as I climbed the stairs to put her in bed. I came back down to analyze my mess and decide my best plan of action to attack the million other things I had to do before work when I heard, "Oh no!" Like she realized she had lost the battle. She clambered out of bed to the top of the stairs and it was ten that I realized, my child can play a great opossum and I lost.

So in my true fashion of making a short story long, I ask you oh dearest readers, what do you do when your child is refusing to sleep? Do you waive your white flag and let your  child run amuck? Or do you bear down and keep trying. (Please keep in mind in your replies, I have not written a parenting book nor have I even done this before... Also that I would just try her nap again later had we not had to go to school/work in less than an hour)

P.S. Thank you God in heaven for an amazingly supportive husband, a great group of welcoming ladies and the Mommy's Night out we are having tonight!

How do you do it?

A 2 year old who sits on the couch watching Caillou on her iPad for an hour and a half clearly is not feeling well! Had she been in the laying down position, I am confident she would have fallen asleep. She's not running a fever so I am torn whether we should call into school today or not.

Either way, mama needs to shower. This is how I entertain my under the weather PeeWee while I shower.

How do you do it?