Saturday, March 31, 2012

An unexpected date with Mr Right

I woke up this morning with great plans of going in to my classroom to get some "stuff" accomplished that has been looming over head and been a black cloud for too long. And by the time I got my feet on the floor, I had a feeling that something was going to go awry. My right eye was stinging and after inspection in the bathroom mirror I noticed I had a stye in my eye. I altered my plans and decided I would shower and go buy an OTC ointment and pick up new makeup later. As I was preparing to run to the store for the ointment and a gallon of milk I was going to get PeeWee dressed in case her and Mr. Right went to visit my in-laws she would look presentable. Well, PeeWee has always been strong willed but I believe she started her terrible two's the day before her 18month birthday. She reached up and grabbed at my face and scratched my left eye in the process.

At first, I thought my eyelashes were in my eye but as the pain set on, I realized it must be worse. Mr Right called my MIL to see if she could watch PeeWee while we went to Urgent Care. Of course, my sweet MIL is always very eager to spend time with PeeWee. :) We dropped her off and we were on our way to Urgent Care for our date.

After a minimal wait time, we we're brought back to be triaged. As I opened my eye for the first time, my eyes burned with pain and tears poured out of my eyes like the first time I had my heart broken. We were to told to have a seat back in the waiting room for a bit and were finally called back. Mr Right entertained me in the waiting room and exam room by going through Pinterest explaining the pins that I could not see. (Isn't he fabulous?) The doctor came in writing drops that he claimed would fix me. I envisioned some sort of miracle drop that would glue the scratched are back together. But I was wrong. They temporarily numbed my eye and he then put in more drops that looked like highlighter juice. He shined a blue light in my eye and he called Mr Right over to see what was apparently a great chasm in my cornea. He said she most definitely caught it with her fingernail and caused a severe corneal abrasion. He prescribed Percocet and an antibacterial drop and said it will be quite painful for 2-3 days but on the good side, they no longer "patch" the eye and my FIL wouldn't need to refer to me as "Ol' Dead Eye". And the Jolly Roger would need to find a different captain this time.

We dropped off my prescription and went to grab lunch at Firehouse Subs. Of course I always see people I know when I don't have makeup on outside of the house. This time was of course a brother/sister set of students I have had this year. As I sat near them I tries to ensure they didn't see me. How embarrassing to have to explain to my students why I am wearing my sunglasses in a restaurant and why tears continually roll down my cheek.. Well anyhow, the plus side to all of it is that I got to have a surprise date with Mr Right and he has been doing a great job taking care of PeeWee and me.

I love the two of them yesterday, today, and tomorrow 2!

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