Friday, November 9, 2012

In the Blink of an Eye

And in the blink of an eye, it is no longer May, but November! In my meager defense, a lot has occurred in the time lapse. I settled into my Stay at Home Mom status including updating my Facebook status. After working last school year, our home was close to being quarantined for YUCKY! I made every attempt to clean up the neglected house work. I found this fantastic idea I found on Pinterest: Getting Mold Out of the Shower I was way skeptical but it works! It totally works! Thank you,  Jessica @ !!

We found out in June that Mr. Right's employer was being acquired and it was uncertain whether he would have a job come the closing of the deal. Super, because I just quit my job! Thankfully, Mr. Right is a rockstar in his career and most companies would be beside themselves to have him on board. Sadly, Albuquerque isn't known for having plentiful corporations to work for in his field. Happy news, the Dallas/Fort Worth area is and he was made a job offer. Hooray! 

Dropping Mr. Right off for his first day
We had minimal notice of our move to another state.... like less than 2 weeks. But in good spirits and a belief in God's plan for us, we packed up a 6x12 trailer and made a preliminary move to the area. We were fortunate to find a lovely home to rent in a quaint town outside of Dallas. 2 weeks later, we returned to Albuquerque to pack at 26ft Penske truck with the remainder of all of our worldly goods. (Thank heaven for amazing families that have our back at every turn!) 
 PeeWee posing for pictures on top of her pumpkin while the movers unloaded our moving truck. I will definitely pay someone to move our stuff when it's time to move again! 
Welcoming committee
PeeWee got to be her beloved Olivia for her first Halloween to be Trick or Treating. We are definitely living in a family friendly neighborhood and we couldn't be happier!!

We are quickly acclimating to the area and have even joined a mommy & me group. We have been to the library a handful of times and decided to stay at home today for a low key kind of a day. We enjoyed making these Thankful Turkeys compliments of

Stay tuned, because I am determined to start blogging more often! 

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